Tuesday, 16 December 2014

More Acrostic Poems

Magnificent at running
Helpful at turning the lights on and off.
Awesome at jumping
Rapid at racing people
Super at spelling
Amazing at sports
Lovely like a lemur.

Super at working
Useful for playing
Marvelous at swimming
Sparkles like a star
Intelligent like the queen
Joyful as a friend
Awesome at running
Happy and healthy.

Rare friend
Obedient boy
Honest student
Awesome writer
Nice and kind

Absorbed worker
Natural at hip hop
Aglow as a smiley face

Adventurous as a mountain climber
Determined reader
Amazing athlete
Magnificent writer
Steady swimmer

Delightful manners
Awesome at athletics
Nice, neat writing
Intelligent at soccer
Excellent at art
Lively at being a wiggly worm.

Super at working
Useful for playing
Marvelous at swimming
Sparkles like a star
Intelligent like a queen
Joyful as a friend
Awesome at running
Happy and healthy

Marvelous swimmer
Excellent runner in races
Helpful person
Awesome ukulele player
Realistic person who thinks a lot.

Magnificent at long jump
Excellent at running
Rocks like a superstar
Elated like a clown
Amazing like the queen
Nice like a koala
Intelligent like the king of the jungle.

Monday, 15 December 2014

More Acrostic Poems

Kind to everyone
Intelligent at maths
Responsible and reliable
A fun person
Nice neat writing.

Being kind to others
Respectful to others
Energetic at running
Nice to others
Delightful friend
On track with his work
Not naughty.

Fabulous at maths
Awesome at sharing
Bucket filler
Intelligent at history
Amazing at athletics
Nice at being a friend.

Loving as a teddy bear
Excellent at drawing
Intelligent at maths
Lovely at being a great friend
Awesome at long jump
Nice at being great in class
Interested in her friend!

Helpful and kind
Awesome at writing
Rapid at swimming
Excellent at maths.

Awesome runner
Super at trying her best
Happy and healthy
Lively and lovely
Extremely exciting
Intelligent and important
Gentle and great
Helpful and handy with her friends.

Acrostic Poems

Awesome at art.
Happy,thoughtful person
Amazing at spelling
Adventurous athlete
Nice when she helps people
Athletic girl.

Polite girl 
Excellent writer
Always willing to help
Rare as a gem 
Lovely friend
Intelligent like a lion
Nice and kind
As pretty as a diamond.

Lovely like a koala
Excellent at maths
Valuable helper
Intelligent at everything.

Awesome at telling jokes
Makes me laugh
Nice man sometimes 
Excellent worker
Energetic at running
Thinking at maths.

Magnificent at running
Amazing at maths
Really nice with her friends
As peaceful as an owl
Nicest person I've met
Neat handwriting
Epic like a sunny day.

Terrific at maths like a smart brain.
Happy at swimming like a beautiful mermaid.
Excellent when she writes stories.
Always takes care of her favourite pet.
Really good at playing on the ukulele
Organised at school.
Smiling all the time.
Excited when reading.

Clever at history.
Adventurous as a cat.
Marvelous at focusing.
Energetic at running.
Riveted at reading about dinosaurs.
Obliging like a dog.
Nice and strong like a panda.

Super star basket player.
Awesome at running fast.
Nice, neat writing.
Useful at making new friends.
Joyous and clever at soccer.

Delightful manners.
Intelligent at maths
Young boy
Awesome at soccer.
Respectful friend
Interested in basketball.

Brilliant at putting balls away.
Respectful and responsible.
Organised when working.
Delightful and special.
Excellent jumper.
Young and confident actor.

Super at running
Awesome at running
Perfect with a beautiful smile
Pretty as a flower
Helpful at tidy up time
Intelligent in maths
Respectful at homework
Excited at Christmas.

Thursday, 11 December 2014


Milo is 2 years old.

Her black screwed up eyes look like a hedgehog’s eyes. Her long red hair is a rose. Her arms, legs and toes are only about an inch long.

She loves to paddle in the inflatable splash pool. She does not like loud noises like a gorilla beating his chest. She is allergic to gluten.

She kicks and punches people when she’s mad. When she’s happy she watches puppy’s everyday life. She watches puppy play, eat and even sleep! She enjoys every minute of being little.

When it’s bedtime she slowly yawns and dozes off.

When she cries Hannah is the first one to start entertaining her, most of the time.

We try our best to care and love her, but sometimes we’re not just good enough.

Milo is always happy when her favourite TV programme is on. She grabs her blanket and snuggles down on the couch.

For breakfast Mum says, “I think you’ve had enough bananas. Let’s move on to squashed peas!” “Ew” Lauren replies. “Mmmm so delicious” Mum fakes. She spits it in the bin when Milo’s not looking. “Yep always let Mum try it first.” Hannah rudely said as she ate her breakfast.

She normally wakes up at 6:55 to climb into Hannah’s bed. Sometimes she goes to Marlena’s bed, sometimes Natasha’s bed, sometimes Sofia’s bed. Never, ever mine.

Dad, I Want to be a Camel

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Animal Dance

On Friday 5th of December I attended Manurewa Central school's middle school production in their auditorium at 9:30am. It was fantastic. The theme was animals.

My favourite was a song from Savage Garden called the Animal song. Amazing! I thought. It was like I was watching a professional dance! They were wearing  black pants and black tops. They had animal hats on. The only question is, why did they put cheetahs with cows? Wouldn't they eat each other?

Behind them was a forest background and above green lights were lighting up their dance. I think it made the costumes pop out.

Overall the entire show was fantastic and I would love to go again next year.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Jigsaw Puzzle

Click to Mix and Solve

Jigsaw Puzzle

Click to Mix and Solve

Jigsaw Puzzle

Click to Mix and Solve

Helen Clark

Sir Edmund Hillary

Captain Cook

Character Description

My Awesome Brother

My awesome brother runs really fast like someone is flashing. He jumps like a large earthquake falling at the little tiny bugs. His eyes are like laser thunder destroying buildings and people jog and run. My brother says "I'm gonna stomp on you like one mouse on the ground!" He stomps and runs on the little bugs even when they say it to him. Boom, crash. The cars can't get past the huge massive giant. All the cars get out to go then he decides to take over the world.

Character Description

My Uncle

MY uncle has chocolate brown hair. He has light brown eyes and his arms and legs are hairy like a spider. He has sharp speckles on his face. He is tall like a giraffe.

He is very funny and he is also nice. He is sometimes scary but he is also the king of awesomeness.
The sorts of dry jokes he says are ... One time we went to Mcdonalds. They took forever to get it ready and my uncle said. "I thought this was supposed to be fast food."

Sometimes when it is the weekend he will say "Bring on the weekend".

In the pool when he puts his goggles on he pretends to be a funny pukeko. 

My uncle is more than awesome.

Character Description

My Nana

My nana's eyes are as black as night. My nana has curly hair like tangled roots. Her skin is wrinkly like tiny lily pads on a pond. Her body is slim, tall and her body works very hard. My nana's mouth is small and is always chatty. 

My nana likes knitting. She likes learning about God and seeing everybody happy. My Nana doesn't like sad faces. My nana always says "Use your table manners!!" And she always says, "Don't be naughty before I kick your backside!!" My nana always drinks Milo.

I feel happy I have a nan because if I don't I will feel very!! very!! very!! lonely without her with me.

Friday, 21 November 2014

The Funeral

I was lying ,cuddled up in bed. It was warm. Then I heard a noise. My mum was calling me. "What now?" I thought, rolling my eyes. But I got up anyway.

When I got out to the lounge I could tell mum had been crying. Her eyes were red. "Great Grandma Betty has died" She said her voice quiet. I felt tears coming to my eyes. I also felt as if all the happiness had been sucked from the world .

I slowly plodded back to my bedroom like an slow elephant. Just think a few minutes ago I was thinking that the world couldn't be better.

When I got back to my bedroom I found it impossible to get to sleep but eventually I woke up in the morning to a loud "Crash!" feeling refreshed. What's that noise? I asked myself. The answer was this... We were going up to Dargaville for the funeral. BORING! It was a 3 hour drive to Dargaville!

2 hours later. "Mum we've eaten all the food and me and Rory are hungry!" I complained . "So you mean you have eaten the candy in the back?" she replied. "No!" I said stunned. "Then eat that," she said.

An hour later we arrived in Dargaville. We drove to a motel where we would be staying. That night my cousin stayed at the motel for hours.

The next day my family and I went to the florists to choose some flowers ,but mum just couldn't decide. In the end we chose some roses.

The funeral was fun... for about 5 minutes! People just said things. I didn't even understand half of what they said! I kept fiddling with a greenstone necklace Great Grandma Betty had left down to me . About halfway through the funeral I escaped outside.

After the funeral we went to bury her. Me and Rory put our roses  onto the coffin . Then I was asked  to hold a basket of flower petals and people came up one by one and took some flowers and threw them over the coffin. Once that was finished she was buried above her husband.

Once we buried her we went to a place that has something to do with the army . My Great Grandpa had been a soldier. After playing there for about an hour we went back to the motel.

The Fun Park

It was tall! I quickly grabbed a little mattress and started climbing the stairs. Up and up and up I went around the curly stairs.

"Maeve? Maeve? Come on I don't have...?"
"Ahhh!"Maeve screamed. Not again I thought. 

"Ahh!" I screamed.
SPLASH!!! Water went up my nose through my mouth and out again.

By the time my wet feet touched the first step... "Ahh!" Maeve yelled.
Steam ☁️puffed☁️ through my nose. My face turned red. Maeve came flying out through the waterslide and splashed into the water. 

Suddenly I thought about what it is that I actually look like? I thought Woah!

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Outdoor Sleepover

My sister Kabi and I got our sleeping bags, blankets and our teddy bears. My cousin Kajani fixed up the pink tent outside. ⛺️ We all went inside the tent, it was really cozy and warm. Just in case if we get scared of the dark or hear scary noises, Kajani got the flash light. She tied it on top of the tent inside, so we can turn it on and off. It was almost 10 o'clock. We were not sleepy at all. Our parents were sleeping inside the house.

We planned a little secret. The secret was to get some food out of the cupboard. Kajani carefully creeped to the door like a spy. Oh no! The door was locked! Luckily she had the keys. Quietly she unlocked the door and sneaked to the cupboard and got some marshmallow, crackers and lemonade to drink if we were thirsty.

Then slowly the door opened, Kabi and I got really frightened we hugged each other like sardines in a tin.

Oh we were such a scaredy cat, it was Kajani. She brought the food inside the tent. We were really hungry, so we ate some marshmallows and crackers. When we got thirsty we drank lemonade.

After that Kajani also brought the Rock Club Book. In that book we earn badges and medals and trophies. She also took some photos and sticked it on the Rock Club Book. We wrote on a piece of paper about when we were camping, and Kajani sticked that on. We drew some pictures on pieces of papers. Kajani drew a picture of when we were camping, and I drew a picture of when we were eating in the tent, and Kabi drew a picture of everyone in the tent. We also coloured then in. Kajani sticked them too.

After all that camping we were really sleepy, so Kajani turned the flash light off and we all slept.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Persuasive writing

Comfortable Green Chair for the Office

Come and buy a green, disco chair! 
It's so cosy that if I give it to a teacher, she will fall asleep.
It has 5 wheels so when you're lazy and can't move, you just roll across. 
It's shiny, it's sparkly. You would love to buy it!
It never breaks like glass breaks.
This comfortable green chair will guarantee a lifetime of happiness!

Cost - 1 million dollars or less.

Call now! 0800 898911

Persuasive writing

Green Chair

Come and see the green chair for comfy sleep and work.
You can go up, down and swing around. 
You can whiz around and its like you are in a tornado.
It's made of high quality woolly material. You will think you are in a dream. 
Nothing is better than a chair with soft wool. It's a chair you haven't seen before.
Snuggle up and sleep like a panda!

This product is not in stores so call 0800 998 6262

Price $200.00

Persuasive writing

 Green Chair!

Come and buy a green chair!  
It blazes like the sun with a soft cover made with warm sheep's wool. 
It has been lined with the finest Egyptian cotton material!
Its relaxing and comfortable and perfect for falling asleep in.

With this top quality, cosy chair you can't go wrong. 
A bargain this week. Only $50.00!

For more information call: 908 331 254

Persuasive Writing

The Comfortable Twirling Chair

Come and buy the most wonderful chair you could ever dream of!

When you sit on the delightful chair it cracks and cracks and creaks and puts you to sleep.
When you are bored you can sit down and twirl and twirl around.
And guess what! You can lower it and bring it up.
You can also move it around on its cute little wheels.

Call now and get it for half price!
Come now and buy your comfortable twirling chair.
Not available in stores so call now!
Price: $100
Call no: 0800 83 83 83

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Science Investigations

Well done to these students for all the hard work they put into their science investigations.

More excerps from early NZ immigrant letters

Dear Cousin,
                  ...When it was stormy, we had to stay under the deck. Everyone had to squish under while the water was pouring in. Everyone was vomiting. It was stinky. 1 out of 5 babies died. also 65 chidren died during the voyage.
             We had to live in steerage with no windows. We all had to sleep on bunks. We couldn't shower and got quite smelly. The men showered down with salt water. This was how life was during the voyage.
              New Zealand is beautiful. It is filled with forests and mountains. I miss you all in England.

Love from

Dear Grandfather,
                    ... Now for the exciting part, when I arrived in New Zealand. When I first arrived, I was very glad to get off the ship. New Zealand looked like a very gigantic forest. It had millions and millions of trees and bushes and swamps. Once we got into it we hunted birds and cooked them on a campfire. We are living in a tent. To build the tent we used lots of sticks, branches and a tarpaulin and some rocks to hold the tarp down on a windy night. ...
Love from 

Excerps from Early New Zealand Immigrant letters

Dear Grandma,
  ... There were lots of people sick here on the ship because we were cramped up together and all the passengers were sleeping in the hold.
       We filled in the long hours by cooking, cleaning, washing, reading and playing cards. The older children attended school. In the evenings there were dances and musical entertainment, ...
Love from 

Dear Mehak,
      ... When we arrived in New Zealand it was covered in swamps and thick green bushes. The first thing our family did was put up a tent. For a couple of days we lived in a tent. My big brother and I went out to shoot some birds to have for our dinner. When we came back with some birds, we made a fire to cook it. Our Mother cooked the birds carefully on the fire. She was really good at that. After a couple of days we started making the raupo hut. We collected a lot of raupo sticks and started to make the wall of the house. My big brother and I collected some shells for a shell path for security. After 10 days we were finished.
            Please tell everybody we miss our family in England. I think when you receive this letter we would have our own land.

Love from 

Dear Grandfather,
     ... The ship hit land. We looked around the campsite and all that was there was trees, trees and more trees! Father found the right spot, not in the shade and not in the sun. Father worked and worked to put the tent up. For dinner we ate leftover ships biscuits while dad finished the tent. 
         The next day dad started to collect shells and wood for our raupo but. Dad and I walked through the woods and stopped at a steep hill. Bits of dirt crumbled off into the swamp. I collected shells. Athe hut we 0placed them into a path. Our raupo shut started to come alive. ...


Monday, 3 November 2014

Emigrating to New Zealand

20 October 1840

Dear Grandma,
                   How are you? I hope you are feeling fine today in England. I am feeling great. It took us five months to get to New Zealand and settle down on the land.
          While we were on the ship a little boy next to me died of whooping cough and I was very sad. 
          Some of us had to sleep in the hold which was immediately below the main deck.When it was stormy they had to shut the hatches so we didn't get wet. Each of the families had to sleep in a bunk 2.4 metres by 1.8 metres. In the hold there was no windows and no fresh air and light. It was boring in the hold and we were all squished up. 
           We had to eat porridge, ships biscuits with weevils in them, salted meat and potatoes. Sixty five children died from dysentery and whooping cough. Biscuits with weevils in them  made some people sick.
          When we finally arrived in New Zealand it looked like it was filled with trees and swamps. We had to put our tent up near thick bushes. Now we are living in a raupo hut. Soon we will build our real house with wood and build a school.

I miss you in England.
Love from

Emigrating to New Zealand

20 October 1844

Dear Grandad,

                    How are you? I hope you are feeling better. We have just landed in New Zealand.
          It was boring sailing to New Zealand for 4 months. We slept in very small bunks. Next to my bunk, my friend died because she had a bad cold. It was terrible. I felt gloomy, sad and depressed. It was so sad I was crying and her family did as well. 
          People got sick from the rats on the ship. Also people got colds. The food we had was potatoes, meat, biscuits with weevils, porridge and salted meat. The storms were the most horrible things ever. We had to shut all of the hatches.
           When the weather was calm, we had school. The teachers told us how to write and talk properly.
          When we landed in New Zealand we had to build a tent. We have to wait for a while until we can build a real house.

I hope I can see you again.

Love from Sapphire

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Pyjama Day!

Pyjama party on the last day of the term!

Dad, I want to be a camel

Here are the lyrics and ukulele chords for "Dad I want to be a camel"
by Kath Bee 2004. Kiwi Kidsongs 13.

I have also put this on the wiki along with the song and the chord chart. Click on the following link.

Ukulele song, lyrics and chords

Thursday, 18 September 2014

In France...

In 1932, France, a blue king and a green king were sharpening their swords. The Knights were aiming the catapults. The green king’s catapult broke half of the bridge. The trees were growing out of the bridge. The blue king froze the trees and the sun scorched and scorched the ice melted and so did the blue king. The green king won by a mile! He relaxed. But the bridge was still broken. Because the blue king was melted so did the kingdom that the blue king lived in. so did his Knights. The green king eventually died in 2000.

100 WC The Half Bridge

Avignon, a curious place, even more curious considering there is a bridge there, a bridge where you can't get to the other side!!!! Only 1 half is standing the other fell down years ago for reasons unknown. Apparently it killed a lot of people. Why did it fall down? Some people say a troll flattened it, others say a wizard made it vanish. Are the stories true? Some people also say it was bombed, some say it was burned down by a fire. Whatever destroyed it why do they keep the other part? Why do they have a song about it? Perhaps the song will tell us?

100WC The Bridge

Once upon a time there were two dragon queens who wanted to take over the half bridge called Avignon. They had sharp terrifying claws and horrible teeth. When the army come they killed the queens but the queens didn't die. When the strongest knight came he had shiny glowing armour with silver new gloves. With his strong muscles he could save the town and be a hero. So he got his spiky gold sword and killed the queens because they weren't peaceful queens they were silly old witches. And that town lived happily ever after.

100 WC The Blue King and the Green King

In 1932 a blue king and an green king kingdoms were 1 mile apart. They both had the same sized kingdoms. The green and blue kings were sitting on their thrones. The blue kings throne was made out of blue and white gems. In 1 day the 2 kings decided to find out who was the strongest out of the two of them. So they met up in France and prepared for war. The blue king froze the green king and then slammed the bridge in half with a big tidal wave and that was how the bridge split in half.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

My Grandpy

My Mum

My Dad


My Cat Scratchy

My Cat Emma

My Taonga

My Robot

My Mum

Usain Bolt

Bengal Tigers


Friday, 5 September 2014

100 Word Challenge - Very Late for school!

One Monday morning Mrs Armitage woke up at 9.00. Mr Armitage woke up and yelled at Mrs Armitage and said "It's 9.00". "Slithering snakes!" Mrs Armitage said. She jumped in her clothes and drove to Manurewa Central School. "Oh no! I've got a flat tyre. Now I'm going to be even later," she thought. Mr Armitage fixed it in 5 hours.

Mrs Armitage jumped in the car. “Oh no!” Mrs Armitage said. “I’ve got no petrol, now I’m going to be more late!” she yelled at herself. Eventually she arrived with more petrol. “Finally we can make a start!”

100 word Challenge - Late for School

On bright and sunny Monday I was lying in my bed. The toast popped up and I got up. Mum said " I have popped you some perfect toast". I said, "Thank you very much." Dad said, "Let's go, time to go to school". "Oh no" I said. So I left my perfect toast and ran put my uniform on.got ready and walked to school. Finally I was in class. The bell rang. Finally we could start the day. First we did the roll then the time table. For fitness we did running around the school.  Then morning tea. Yay!

Thursday, 4 September 2014

100 word challenge - SPCA

Lily woke up early one morning to the sound of chirping birds. She dragged herself out of bed and went downstairs. Downstairs her mum had some delicious, warm porridge waiting for her.
She got dressed and jumped into the car. She was volunteering at the SPCA with her best friend, Molly. On the way they picked Molly up. When they arrived they were told to deliver fresh food and water to the animals.
Finally, Lily thought, finally we can make a start on grooming. It was fun. From then on they helped at SPCA every Saturday.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Action Poetry with Greg O'Connell

Thank you Greg for sharing your wonderful poetry with  us!

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Making Magic Muffins with Brendon's Mum!

Water Safety Lesson

On Friday, Room 16 drove to the swimming pools. We learned how to put a person in the middle who does not have a life jacket on or who is about to drown. 

We learnt how to put our right hand on our nose and put the left hand on the shoulder and fall, then kick to the bar in the end of the pools. 

Suddenly we held each other and swam around the pools. We learnt how to hold ourselves and the other person. If there is a storm or heavy rain we hold each other tight. We put ourselves in a circle. We lay down and kicked the water until they said stop. 

Then the race was about to start. Who was better? Boys or girls? It was the boys who won 2 times. The girls lost the race. 

My favourite part of swimming was falling back and kicking.