Thursday, 11 December 2014


Milo is 2 years old.

Her black screwed up eyes look like a hedgehog’s eyes. Her long red hair is a rose. Her arms, legs and toes are only about an inch long.

She loves to paddle in the inflatable splash pool. She does not like loud noises like a gorilla beating his chest. She is allergic to gluten.

She kicks and punches people when she’s mad. When she’s happy she watches puppy’s everyday life. She watches puppy play, eat and even sleep! She enjoys every minute of being little.

When it’s bedtime she slowly yawns and dozes off.

When she cries Hannah is the first one to start entertaining her, most of the time.

We try our best to care and love her, but sometimes we’re not just good enough.

Milo is always happy when her favourite TV programme is on. She grabs her blanket and snuggles down on the couch.

For breakfast Mum says, “I think you’ve had enough bananas. Let’s move on to squashed peas!” “Ew” Lauren replies. “Mmmm so delicious” Mum fakes. She spits it in the bin when Milo’s not looking. “Yep always let Mum try it first.” Hannah rudely said as she ate her breakfast.

She normally wakes up at 6:55 to climb into Hannah’s bed. Sometimes she goes to Marlena’s bed, sometimes Natasha’s bed, sometimes Sofia’s bed. Never, ever mine.

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