Thursday, 18 September 2014

100 WC The Half Bridge

Avignon, a curious place, even more curious considering there is a bridge there, a bridge where you can't get to the other side!!!! Only 1 half is standing the other fell down years ago for reasons unknown. Apparently it killed a lot of people. Why did it fall down? Some people say a troll flattened it, others say a wizard made it vanish. Are the stories true? Some people also say it was bombed, some say it was burned down by a fire. Whatever destroyed it why do they keep the other part? Why do they have a song about it? Perhaps the song will tell us?


  1. Hi Thea-Rose, nice story! You came up with some great questions.

  2. Awesome 100WC! I love your 100WC, it was amazing. It left me what wondering what happened. Some students in our class do the 100WC too.

    From Josh, Grace, Hugh and Zoe
    Room 17, UHPS
